Toledo Ski Club
(Toledo / Southeast Michigan)
The Toledo Ski Club is a Club for all seasons. TSC was established in 1947 and has been dedicated to enhancing skiing, snowboarding, outdoor and social activities for its members ever since.
The Toledo Ski Club is one of a very few clubs in the country that owns it's own Lodge. The Lodge at Walloon Lake near Boyne is owned by the members of the club. Club members may make reservations to take friends and relatives to the Lodge for a minimal charge.
Click HERE to visit our site.
Weekend trips and week-long trips are also organized for Club members.
Activities: Downhill Skiing - recreational
Downhill Skiing - racing
Cross-country touring
Dues: $48.27 single
$64.35 single parent
$80.44 family
Membership: 300+
Meetings: Danberry Realtors Building
3555 Briarfield Blvd.
Maumee, OH 43537
1st monday each month at 7:00pm
Contact: (419) 283-7779