Important MDSC Forms for Clubs, Officers and Trip Leaders
Click on the appropriate link to view and download the desired form.
2023-2024 Ski Guide - Trifold brochure to promote clubs and trips
This brochure lists trips as well as club descriptions and contact information.
These brochures will be distributed at ski shops and events.
Clubs are encouraged to help distribute and use these brochures to as part of their promotions.
FAM Trip Form -To be completed after the completion of your FAM Trip
This 60+ question form is used by FAM (Familiarization)Trip Participants to evaluate their trip.
Using this form will help assure that you and your club are given the opportunity to participate on future FAM's.
Download the form now, and fill it out while on the trip. It will help you to ask the questions and make you a better informed trip leader.
Trip Leader -Trip Evaluation Form -To be completed after the completion of your club trip.
This 10 question form is used by Trip Leaders to report on the results of their club's trips including evaluations of the lodging, airline, destination, transportation, and tour operator. The MDSC enters this info into it's Trip Database, scheduled to go on-line early next year. The database will eventually help to make all clubs and trip leaders "Better Informed Consumers".
Ski Club / Officer Data Sheet -To be completed within one month after your Ski Club Elections.
The MDSC uses this form to update it's records, and to help make sure the proper people are receiving important club related information.